Hidden Shin Key Mezuzah by Flor Aviv

Price $195.00
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    From Flor Aviv's crypto-Judaica collection is this mezuzah in the shape of an ornate key. The center piece is made from sterling silver and the top and bottom are made from brass. The shin is hidden in the teeth of the key. The scroll sits inside the sterling silver part of the key.

    The history of Judaism is rife with the persecution of Jewish people and the subsequent masking of Judaic symbols, traditions, and religious practices in order to survive. Flor Aviv's Crypto-Judaica collection is a tribute to these practices, utilizing the historical methods of concealment to create beautiful pieces for modern Jewish life. Flor Aviv is an Italian company with ties to both Florence and Tel Aviv, creating Flor Aviv. Each piece is made in Italy.

    Kosher mezuzah scroll sold separately. Nails for hanging included.

    Sterling silver and brass
    5" x 1.25"

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