Deborah Kass OY/YO Cufflinks

Price $500.00
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    The collection of OY/YO jewelry by Deborah Kass is a luxurious yet playful rendition of her undeniably pop OY/YO paintings and sculptures, which reference Ed Ruscha's iconic, text-based work. The reoccurring motif of the two exclamations first appeared in 2011 and since then has been featured in a broad range of mediums, including the notable large-scale installation at Brooklyn Bridge Park, which debuted in November 2015. The phrases 'OY' and 'YO' are exemplary of Kass's appropriation of popular culture and Yiddish language. A sculpture of OY/YO (2016) is included in the Jewish Museum collection.
    Sterling silver vermeil with 18-kt. gold finish
    3/4" x 7/16" each
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