Hamsa Bracelet by Zadeh

Price $150.00 Members $135.00

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    The Hamsa bracelet by Zadeh is handcrafted in New York City and features a sterling silver centerpiece with sterling silver findings on adjustable polyester parachute cord. The bracelets are completely waterproof, so the cord won’t fray and the color won’t fade. Zadeh designs her bracelets to be worn everyday.  The bracelet cord is charcoal gray with light blue accents and can be adjusted larger to put on and pulled tighter once around the wrist. The hamsa is a popular Jewish and Middle Eastern symbol offering protection to the wearer.

    Zadeh, designed by Catherine Zadeh, is a woman-founded luxury jewelry brand based in New York City for over 25 years.  The Zadeh aesthetic is driven by the desire to express bold, structural style through the kind of jewelry you love to live in. Each piece is meant to be worn everywhere, and always—using thoughtful, intentional materials that last for life.


    Sterling silver and polyester cord
    Available Sizes: Small (up to 6" wrist), Medium (up to 6-1/2" wrist), Large (up to 7" wrist), X-large (up to 7-1/2" wrist)

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