Cast Brass Menorah with Star of David Decoration by the Israel Museum

Price $158.00
Members $142.20

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    This cast brass menorah is a reproduction of an early 20th century Hanukiah featured in the collection of the Israel Museum in Jerusalem.

    This Hanukkah lamp reflects the dramatic changes that the German Jewish community underwent in the early 20th century. Secularization opened up new concepts for the design of ceremonial objects, including some that went against accepted rabbinical opinion. This freestanding menorah replicates the Menorah that stood in the Temple. The addition of a Star of David as a decorative element also characterizes the spirit of the time, which saw the incorporation of nationalist and Zionist motifs in the design of ceremonial objects.


    Fits most standard size Hanukkah candles. Candles sold separately. Do not leave candles lit unattended.


    Cast brass
    7"L x 7"W x 8.5"H

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